Mobile App Development: The Definitive Guide (2021)

This is the definitive guide to Mobile App Development for 2021.

In this article, you will learn

  • What is Mobile App Development?
  • Mobile App Development Cost?
  • Different Types 
  • How to create Mobile App
  • Statistics

So, if you want to start a mobile app development company this year, this is the best guide for you.

Without further ado

Let’s get started

Mobile App Development
Mobile App Development

What is Mobile App Development?

Mobile application development is a collection of processes and techniques for small and wireless computer applications. 

Mobile App Development has become one of the most successful ways of targeting vast numbers of users with the increased popularity of smartphones and tablets. 

Since the development of the mobile app requires mobile device software development, the goal is to make full use of the unique features of the device.

Developing the mobile app for an unclear purpose or not adapting to various changes is a waste of money. A certain objective should be linked to the best mobile app development. 

Confusion and inability to provide the consumer a position in the market are the key reasons for a mobile app’s failure.

When it comes to the Best Mobile App Development and making it a success, you can consider the three purposes mentioned below.

Three Purposes of Mobile App Development

1) A solution provider:

Despite having a website, the main benefit of having a smartphone app is its high speed and ability to operate without the Internet. Your app allows you to solve a variety of problems when on the go.

The Trainline App, Europe’s most popular train and coach app, includes features such as departure boards, price notifications, seat preferences, favorite routes, ticket information, and more.

2) For entertainment:

The ‘entertainment’ element in apps excels globally due to its appeal across a wide variety of age groups and capabilities.

This genre includes Angry Birds, Candy Crush, and other games that have successfully implemented this mantra. Initially, they are free and can be upgraded later.

3) Value addition:

Some applications are useful for everyday tasks, such as multi-location meetings. For instance, with Skype, you can share your screen, call, talk, video call, and hold a conference call, among other things.

Different types of mobile app

Multi-aspect programming languages and frameworks are used for the best mobile app development. Learn about the three categories of mobile app:

1) Native apps:

These applications are tailored to a particular platform, such as iOS or Android. These operating systems support the programming languages used to create the applications. These platforms provide full support for development tools.

2) HTML5 Apps:

If you want to use a write-once, run-anywhere method, you will need only HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS.

3) Hybrid Apps:

In most hybrid applications, embedding an HTML app is accomplished by using a container. This is created in the native setting. Hybrid apps enable each native device to use expanded operations of unique elements.

How to build a Mobile App?

The steps involved in the best mobile app development are as follows:

1) Tech-Stack & Market Research:

If you’re thinking about it, direct design and development isn’t an option for mobile apps. Market research is the first step before moving on to design and production. The research will assist you in identifying your target audience as well as your competitive place in the industry.

2) Defining the goals and objectives of mobile apps:

Once you’ve finished your study, make a list of all the different ways your app will need to achieve goals. Defining the objectives behind your development surely helps you to figure out the features you want in the app.

3) The app’s wireframes:

This stage is all about the look and feel of your app, as well as the features you’d like to include. You should have specified the scope of work at this stage, including which processes will be done in-house and which will be outsourced. Making a roadmap helps to show the links between each screen and the mechanism the user will use to navigate the app.

4) Defining the mobile app’s backend:

Because of technological constraints in the backend development phase, the wireframes and storyboard need to be modified. Keep in mind that versatility is a critical element in the growth of your app, and you must achieve it.

5) Complete your wireframe and put your prototype to the test:

Get your wire-frame and the storyboard to create an immersive prototype once you get the approval.

Prototyping is all about evaluating design ideas, collecting feedback, and identifying dead links and gaps in the flow and usability of a mobile app. The method is made easier by the availability of good prototyping equipment.

You should still test and evaluate the prototype with people who aren’t part of the mobile app development team. Begin tracking them as they engage with the app and solicit input on the app’s overall functionality and use. Adapting the UI/UX at this stage is a wise decision for fixing any found flaws.

In short, your goal is to solidify your app design concept and build a high-precision prototype. This will lead you through the actual development process for the mobile app.

6) create the app:

There are a lot of measures and procedures that go into making an app. The interfaces that you can use to connect with your app are shown by the wireframes designed in previous phases. 

Both concepts and suggestions should be integrated into the designs during the early stages of the testing process. Since your app must be based on consumer engagement, the UI/UX details are extremely important.

7) Test again:

With your entire product design in place, complete with graphics and perfectly positioned text, you must now thoroughly test your app in a variety of real-world scenarios in order to identify and fix technological flaws.

8) Launch preparation:

The measures you have planned for your app’s launch will determine its ultimate success. One of the most crucial aspects is marketing the app among your customer base.

9) Official release:

The official release date is the pinnacle of the app marketing activities. Create a sensation with articles, blogs, and other forms of media. 

Build buzz with social media posts that include links This is an effective method for increasing downloads and ratings. This also aids in the development of momentum.

Once your app is launched, don’t rely on previous accomplishments. Push notifications can be used to announce promotional deals, promo codes, and discounts, among other things. 

Your app’s user engagement will improve as a result of this. Offer rewards and useful services, and track metrics to see which features are attracting the most users.

The core processes and phases of the mobile app development lifecycle must be thoroughly understood. You would be able to comfortably manage your budget and timeline if you can cope with this lifecycle.

The costing for the best mobile app development

Despite the fact that the variables that influence the cost of developing a mobile app are similar, the development cost varies greatly. 

Check out some of  the major factors affecting the cost of mobile app development:

1) Technical Difficulties:

The more features that must be included in the app, the more technological challenges will be applied to the project. This results in additional charges for the best mobile app development.

2) Integration of third-parties:

When functionalities such as the implementation of payment features are needed, integration of third-party databases, frameworks, and services becomes essential.

APIs such as Facebook, Twitter, and others come into play if the app needs social media networking capabilities. Real-time chats are another function that can be integrated into the app.

3) Backend development:

A backend is a technical term for a representation of an operating system. It offers an API that allows data to be exchanged between a mobile app and a database. In basic terms, the backend implements the app’s business logic.

4) The admin panel:

The admin panel is where you can manage your applications, users, and content, as well as display statistics and more. It’s a helpful tool that makes all of the above-mentioned tasks simple to complete. The task at hand is to locate a high-quality, adaptable admin prototype. Building a solution that is specifically tailored to your company’s needs will be much more helpful.

5) Purchases made inside the app:

In-app purchases come in a variety of shapes and sizes. They can be applied in a variety of ways, from virtual products to extra features. They increase the project’s technological complexity by including a wide variety of tasks for integrating in-app purchases.

6) Hardware components incorporation:

Modern smartphones have gyroscopes, accelerometers, heart rate monitors, NFC, Bluetooth, GPS, barometers, and other hardware components. 

The hardware range varies depending on the system model and manufacturer. Searching for the best solution for each system and checking the communication of various hardware components with the software are two factors that drive up development costs and time.

Mobile App Development Stats:

Learn more about the mobile app development: 


In the field of mobile app development, there are no secrets. Your ideation, like that of other companies, is critical. 

The mobile app development lifecycle depicts exactly how one can proceed in order to satisfy one’s desires. 

If you’re considering developing a mobile app, this comprehensive guide to build mobile apps will be invaluable.

Now, it’s your turn

What do you think about mobile apps?

Which one is good, Android Apps or IOS Apps?

Please, let me know in the comment.

sunny chawla

Sunny Chawla

Sunny  Chawla is a MD at Uber Clone App Company which is the Best Clone App Development Company helping global businesses to grow. He loves to share his thoughts on Web Development, Mobile App Development and Game Development.

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