Write For Us: Digital Marketing, SEO and Business Management Software

Hey, Internet Ninja,

How are you doing?

We welcome every ninja that wants to write for us as a guest post on this blog about digital marketing, SEO, Web Hosting, blogging, email marketing, social media marketing, growth hacking, branding and business management software.

write for us digital marketing
Write for us

Why should you write for us?

  • Your business target customer can be our reader. You can get massive exposure in your business.
  • You can build strong relationships with your targeted audience.
  • You will get a chance to be featured on our website, which will pass link juice to your website.
  • Access To Our Exclusive Facebook Group.
  • Your post will be published in front of thousands of eyes.
  • Approval in less than 24 hours.

How can you submit a guest post?

Please, read our guideline before pitching to us.

  1. Introduce yourself (Who are you?), share 3 to 5 topic ideas which are relevant and show some samples of your writing.
  2. Include “Guest Post/ Contribute” a subject line of email.
  3. I will review and choose one of your ideas as a guest article.
  4. Write an article outline and send it to me.
  5. I will check it and give you my opinion.
  6. Write an in-depth article and submit it to me along with your photo and author bio.
  7. Articles must be plagiarism and grammar free.
  8. We are accepting only original articles written by a human or bloggers.
  9. Add relevant images according to the topic and give proper credit to the designer.
  10. Please, don’t include affiliate or malicious links.

What should be the article length?

At least 1000 – 1500 words of informative and valuable guide including some facts, stats, case study and no promotional content.

Guest Post Topics​

  • Digital Marketing
  • SEO
  • Web Hosting
  • Web Design and Development
  • Blogging
  • WordPress/ Themes/ Plugin
  • Content Marketing
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Email Marketing
  • Business Management or Software
  • Growth Hacking
  • Google or Facebook Ads

How to find us on a search engine?

  • Digital Marketing + “Write for us” 
  • SEO + “Guest Post”
  • Web Hosting + “Submit a guest post”
  • Blogging + “Submit an Article”
  • WordPress/ Themes/ Plugin + “Guest Post Opportunities”
  • Content Marketing + “Contributing Writer”
  • Social Media Marketing + “Submit blog post”
  • Email Marketing + “This is a guest post by”
  • Business Management or Software + “want to write for”
  • Growth Hacking + “submit news”
  • Google or Facebook Ads + “looking for guest post”

Benefits of Guest Post:

  • You will get 1 dofollow link to your blog article or relevant page.
  • Exclusive benefits of blogger outreach campaign (i.e you can get thousands of quality links from a single article.
  • Your article will be shared on social media.

As Seen on or Featured:

Sammy Belose is featured in the Yourstory, Upcity, Clutch.co, The Manifest, Hostingpill, DH, ERPNews, etc.

Responsibility and Legal Claims:

  • You are responsible for any copyright issue found on your article or image
  • We can do manually copyright check before publishing an article on our website and final edits.
  • Once we publish the article on our website it becomes our property but you will be attributed as an author for that article

Contact us:

If you have read all the points and ready to do guest post on our website, you can send your pitch on [email protected]