25 Must-Know YouTube Statistics For YouTubers And Video Marketers (2021)

Now, we’re living in a digital world, and everything is growing into various social media platforms and websites. 

YouTube is a powerful destination for streaming short and long-form video content. But did you know TikTok is also the second search engine and the most visited website in the networking world? 

Many brands and entrepreneurs use YouTube to promote their products and services to the exact audiences. No matter what type of content you like to post or you’re looking for, and YouTube contains endless videos of industries. 

But, if you’re a marketer or influencer looking to enhance your YouTube marketing impact, understanding the platform’s features is vital to make success.

In this article, we’ve listed some useful YouTube Statistics that are important for your video marketing success.

youtube statistics
YouTube Statistics For YouTubers And Video Marketers

25 YouTube Statistics to improve your Video Marketing

Stats #1: 2nd Largest Search Engine

YouTube is the most visited website in the world and the second largest search engine after Google. 

Many people use YouTube to search and find videos to clarify their doubts and queries. 

Stats #2: 2 Billion Monthly Users 

There are 3.9 billion total internet users all over the world. YouTube attracts half of the users in the entire internet world. 

More than 2 billion monthly active users use YouTube to upload their videos or watch other videos. 

Stats #3: Available In 100 Different Countries

YouTube is one of the most powerful search engines and social networks in the world. Now it reaches over 95% of the internet worldwide. 

The video promoting platform YouTube has reached more than 100 countries in 80 languages. 

Stats #4: 94% of Users Aged Between 18 to 24 Years

For every social media platform like Instagram, Facebook, and Snapchat, millennials and Gen Z users actively use these networks. 

According to the pew research center, 94% of YouTube users are aged between 18 to 24 years. 

Stats #5: “How to” Videos Contents Are More Popular 

YouTube is one of the powerful platforms for watching and sharing several videos. Two third of YouTube users say they can find “tutorials” and “how to” type of video content in every industry. 

Stats #6: 70% of Video Views

Nowadays, more and more people use their smartphones to create and watch multiple videos. 

According to the survey, 70% of YouTube video views come from smartphone users. As a business owner, if you want to enhance your YouTube channel promotion to get the best user experience, you have to make sure that your videos are mobile friendly. 

Stats #7: 5 Billion YouTube Videos

According to the omnivore survey, over 5 billion YouTube videos are viewed by users every single minute. 

Google shows that if every individual user is trying to reach up to 1 billion hours of videos, they have to find a playlist that is more years long. 

Stats #8: 3 Billion Searches Per Month 

Undoubtedly, YouTube is the most searchable platform after the search engine Google. Many people are constantly looking for creative & informative content, how-to videos, tutorials, and much more. 

It shows YouTube is a great place to show your products and services to a wider audience. 

Stats #9: 37% of Mobile Traffic

YouTube is the number one site for getting web traffic in the digital world. According to the data, YouTube gains more than one third of mobile internet traffic. Also, 37% of traffic comes from mobile internet. 

Stats #10: 500 Hours of Videos 

Video consumption is growing every day, and there are lots of competitors that are starting to promote content in a video format. 

YouTube is the best website to find a variety of video content to engage your audience. According to the YouTube Statistics, more than 500 hours of videos are posted to YouTube every single minute. 

Stats #11: 162 Million Subscribers 

T series – it is India’s largest movie studio & music label, and it is the top YouTuber based on subscribers count. 

According to the influencer marketing hub, the T series has now achieved 162 subscribers to thor YouTube channel. 

Stats #12: 81% of Entertaining & Educational Content

YouTube provides endless opportunities for users to capture your audience’s attention. Content is one of the big parts of inviting users directly to your YouTube channel. According to brandwatch, 81% of users use YouTub to find videos relevant to education and entertaining content. 

Stats #13: Livestreams Grow 45%

For any social media platform, live streaming is growing faster than ever. According to the streaming media, YouTube live video grew by 45%, with an average watch time of 26.4 minutes per session. 

Stats #14: 84% of User Attention 

While most of TV advertising time is not gained attention to. During advertising time, people concentrate on multitasking like switching channels/videos, skipping the ads, and so on. 

But YouTube advertising instantly creates attention to watch your full ad. According to the report, YouTube ads are gaining 84% more attention than TV ads. 

Stats #15: 3rd Most Valuable Platform For Business

Many marketers are now trying to promote their brands on different social networks and websites. Basically, social media platforms have the ability to communicate with a huge audience at a time. 

According to the clutch and smart insights report, the powerful social media platforms for businesses are Facebook, Linked In, YouTube and Twitter. In this order, YouTube gets the third position for business promotions. 

Stats #16: Second Most Popular Platform For Influencer Marketing 

Influencer marketing is an excellent strategy while promoting your products and services on social media platforms. 

Because influencers already have a large following and different content ideas. According to mediakit, YouTube is the second most popular platform for influencer marketing. 

Stats #17: 62% of Business Use YouTube

YouTube is a platform that gained a lot of popularity for personal video promotion. But it also has an amazing tool for businesses to reach their target customers. 

Recently, more than 62% of businesses started to use YouTube as a channel to communicate with their target customers and gain more exposure. 

Stats #18: 90% of People Discover New Brand/Products

Video is a powerful marketing tool to spread your message across the world. If you’re trying to promote your business or increase social exposure, YouTube video promotion is the key to show your brand in front of a wider audience. 

Regarding the YouTube Statistics, 90% of people find new brands/products through YouTube videos.

Stats #19: Most Used Digital Video Platform

According to the data, 94.5% of U.S OTT watchers are watching YouTube videos. Even almost all American users watch streaming videos on YouTube. 

OTT refers to “over the top,” and it has a streaming service like a television. In March 2020, YouTube was the most used video platform in the digital world, and its watch time increased 80% every year. 

Stats #20: 50.9% of B2B Decision Makers 

If you are marketing on other social platforms or businesses, you can use YouTube to research top decision makers that are relevant to your industry. 

Even 46% of buyers will purchase a product or service after viewing video content on YouTube. 

Stats #21: Ryan ToysReview – Highest Paid YouTube Channel

Ryan Kaji from Ryan – he is a child YouTube star, and he has been named the highest paid YouTube star. 

He was a nine year old boy and has made more than 24 million dollars from her YouTube channel by reviewing and unboxing games and on toys, 

Stats #22: Music Videos – Most Viewed Videos

YouTube is an amazing video sharing platform in internet marketing. Also, the most viewed views were quickly viral videos. 

Charlie bit my fingers, and evolution of dance are the most viewed videos, and that is related to music videos. 

As of January 2020, 93% of most watched videos are YouTube music videos. 

Stats #23: 37 Million YouTube Channels

According to YouTube Statistics, there are more than 37 million YouTube channels created by YouTubers. 

The number of channel growth is increasing wisely, such as it grew more than 23% in the last year. Because many people start creating a YouTube channel and uploading 500 hours of videos every minute.  

Stats #24: $19.77 Billion Advertising Revenue

YouTube’s global advertising revenue reached almost 19.77 billion U.S dollars In 2020. Google’s advertising revenue is $37.1 billion, and it has increased from $34 billion last year. So, users can easily make money from YouTube advertising features. 

Stats #25: Tutorial Videos Are More Popular

Research shows that YouTube users are 3 times more likely to watch online video tutorials than other videos. 

Beauty tutorial videos increased nearly 50% in 2020 on YouTube. If you’re trying to enhance your marketing growth, the YouTube tutorial videos feature is the best strategy to achieve your goals and get more success.


That’s it for my list of YouTube Statistics for 2021.

Hopefully, you now have a better understanding of YouTube, and how it has grown to be thousands of video marketers or YouTubers.

Do you think YouTube will continue to attract more visitors to the platform? Or do you think there are better alternatives?

Let me know what you think in the comments below.


Victoria Daniel

Victoria Daniel is a social media expert and writer who is working in PixelGroovy. She is a regular contributor to well-established IOT blogs and she has been into Internet Marketing for two years.