How To Increase Organic Traffic In 2022 [9 Actinable Tips]

Driving organic website traffic is the top priority for all online business owners. Unlike paid ads, consistent organic traffic can help boost your website’s search ranking. 

In addition, higher organic traffic indicates that your website is valuable, and site visitors enjoy browsing through it. All of these factors, in turn, can help you establish authority in your niche industry.

In this article, I have mentioned 9 actionable tips to increase organic traffic.

Driving organic traffic is easy if your website is well-optimized. A well-optimized website gives you a fair, competitive edge over other sites. It also helps boost user engagement and improves the brand’s credibility. 

Below we have mentioned a few tried and tested tips that can help you to increase organic traffic.

increase organic traffic
How to Increase Organic Traffic?

How to Increase Organic Traffic?

How to Increase Organic Traffic?

we have mentioned a 9 tried and tested tips that can help you to increase organic traffic of your website or blog.

1. Optimize Thin Content 

Thin content only leads to a high bounce rate. It is essential to optimize thin content or remove them altogether to gain traction online. Try looking for issues in the range to understand why your content is underperforming. 

You could be missing vital keywords or headlines that could get you more traffic. If you think from an SEO viewpoint, optimized content adds more depth. 

Always write content that resonates with the user. Following a trend won’t make a difference if your content is not informative enough. Your focus should be on the language and tone of the article. Also, add images wherever necessary with Alt text.  

2. Use Featured Snippets 

Google tends to pull content from the top-ranking pages as featured snippets. By structuring your content for featured snippets, you can see a huge difference in website traffic. Moreover, featured snippets provide direct answers to questions, which helps improve the readability of a website. 

Ahrefs tool can help you find keywords for your featured snippets. The keywords give you an idea of the content that has a chance of appearing on the top pages of SERP. Create content that answers user questions. Also, optimize images and videos for featured snippets.

3. Update Your Blog

An updated blog has a higher chance of featuring in search engines and getting you more organic traffic. Conversely, people who don’tdon’t update their blogs have lower rankings as readers love to connect to blogs that update according to relevancy. 

You can create a content schedule to publish content frequently. If your blog is new, start with bi-weekly posts, but update it daily if you already have a base. Users don’tdon’t want irregular content that updates after a month. And that’s not how you can get more traffic, so focus on updating your blog. 

4. Add Videos and Visuals 

Videos and visuals make a considerable difference in your blog or posts. Adding videos and visuals to low-traffic websites boost organic traffic. 

Most users prefer to watch a one-minute video rather than read text. Besides, adding videos improves the visibility and ranking of the site. Apart from videos, you can use visuals in gifs and infographics. 

Infographics are pretty famous for improving website traffic. Getting a gist of what you want to say through infographics leaves a good impact. In short, you need to expand your content to attract different site visitors. 

5. Use Internal Linking

As a blogger or content curator, you need to understand the importance of internal linking. Internal linking is the buzzword to improve organic site rankings in the blogging world. 

It helps Google understand the relationship between site pages. However, you are losing valuable traffic by not using this strategy on your website.

However, while using the internal linking strategy, don’t ignore the power of external links. High-authority external linking is equally essential for website traffic. Also, use links where you think it is relevant. 

6. Guest Posting 

Guest posting is a vital part of SEO. If you haven’t considered it yet, you should. Unfortunately, most bloggers avoid guest posting as they fear being penalized by Google. While you can’tcan’t buy links or trade links, you can consider white hat ways to obtain them. 

Guest blogging is the best way to build site traffic. Additionally, writing editorials for the site can get you the exposure you need. And when you write a blog for a partnered or high-quality website, it also helps with personal branding.

7. Optimize Your Website 

Optimizing your website is essential for search engine optimization and getting organic traffic. You need to analyze your site data and get relevant links. 

Also, optimize for on-page and off-page SEO along with speed. Speed optimization affects your rank and traffic. If your site does not load in two to three seconds, users may abandon your site. 

For speed optimization, you can compress images, JS, and CSS. Also, disable plugins that are irrelevant to your site. Another way to optimize is by getting quality backlinks. 

8. Website Audit 

A website audit helps you identify issues on your website. Many tools are available to help you audit your website. It gives you an insight into what your audience likes and which posts are performing better. 

In addition, it helps you identify security lags & issues. Complete website performance audit also helps with SEO. 

9. Promote your content 

You won’t get any organic traffic without promotion. A website needs advertising (online and offline) to stand apart and be ahead of the competition. 

Promote your site through different social media platforms, use paid ads, use print media, and all other channels that can help improve your brand’s visibility.

Promote your website through email marketing. For example, create a goal-oriented landing page or an explainer video. Promotion ensures your website gets the proper traction and visibility it needs. 

But, keep in mind that SEO and promotion is not a single-day job. You’ll have to work hard and be consistent with your marketing strategies to improve your site’s ranking on SERPs.


Start by improving the content with sub-topics and keep the copy clear. Next, do an annual content and website audit to know about site errors, thin/duplicate content, and fix pages with broken backlinks. 

Next, install a caching plugin and optimize for featured snippets. Finally, embed relevant posts and videos. When you constantly strive to maximize your site, it will improve organic traffic. 

Now, I want to hear from you.

What is your favorite SEO Strategy to increase organic traffic?

Is it featured snippet or guest posting?

Please, let me know in the comment.

About Sammy Belose

Sammy Belose

I’m Sammy Belose, The SEO Scientist. I started Sammy Belose as a passion, and now It’s helping to learn SEO & digital marketing with Rocket Speed.

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